Blog website in Django with Authentication system.

Blog website in Django with database, Authentication and commenting system with Text Editor

I have created this blog using the python framework Django. In this website the I have used HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Bootstrap for the front-end and Django for the back-end. The SQLite database is used for storing posts, comments, contact forms, etc.

This website has the following features
  • Tiny MCE text editor is integrated into this website to write posts fastly.
  • Comes with the functionality that the comments are disabled for the users who are not login.
  • Python Django Messagebox is used to show the status of requests.
  • All the comments, replies, Posts are saved in the database.
  • Templates are designed in such a way that they are showing the posts, comments, replies, etc. from the database in efficient way.
  •  Database-based contact form.
  • Fully Responsive Design.
  • Secure and safe Authentication system(Login or Signup).

Short view of Project:

Screenshots of projects.


Visit Project on the Github:

